Posts tagged heirloom tomato farming
Hungry Hollow Happenings: August 2024

July was a record-breaking month of a heat spell for us in Yolo County. We’re used to triple digit summer temperatures, but not for this long of a stretch (or this high of temps!). Through that heat, we’ve been harvesting tomatoes for about 65 days now! We both can’t believe it’s been that long and are also sure it’s been longer (shouldn’t the season be almost over by now?).

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Hungry Hollow Happenings: September 2023

While Labor Day may mark an end of summer for some, we generally look towards the crops to let us know when seasons end. September is a transitional period where summer and fall blend together, the seasonal crops and activities overlapping. Whether it’s “late summer” or “early fall,” the between time is full of excitement as we begin harvesting winter squash (also known as hard squash), officially finish with watermelon (but then continue to bring in smaller harvests from our grafted plants that are still somehow looking great), continue on with harvesting tomatoes (while starting to take down early plantings), and begin planting for fall (true fall, that is).

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